is it possible my lemonade was a rebel somehow

EDIT: Thank you to everyone for being kind, supportive, informative, and patient with me. I was having a bad time last night and while I'm still not sure what caused it, I'm going to avoid caffeine until I can rule it out. I suspect it was likely caffeine or sugar because it wore off and isn't still happening. I was able to sleep a small amount too which helped. I am okay now.


This is going to sound insane. But I can't make it sound less insane.

I had a little extra coffee this morning (like 1.5 cups instead of 1) so when my husband took us to Dutch Bros later I got a vampire slayer lemonade instead of coffee. I hate feeling overcaffeinated.

I have spent most of the past 12 hours feeling weird discomfort in my chest. My brain will not let me do anything restful, it insists on being "productive". I have sent every email I need to send. I tried to do laundry but I dissociated and had a 3 hour text conversation with my ex girlfriend about deconstructing my entire sense of self and identity. I do not understand how quickly the past hour passed, but my husband says I showered and then paced around the living room. When I close my eyes I see square fractals that turn into spirals.

I have weird mental health stuff, but this is weirder than usual and doesn't happen to me. I don't know if an extra half cup of coffee could even possibly do this to me or if there is something deeper going on. I have never had an energy drink besides coffee in my entire life and don't know what they would taste or feel like.

I dont know how Dutch Bros works, so maybe making a Rebel instead of lemonade is nearly impossible, but I genuinely feel drugged and psychically attacked. I'm just trying to get some peace of mind that this isn't what happened to me to help me sleep. I think I will feel better tomorrow