Duolingo Italian is A1 only?
I noticed the other day in the app that the Italian course says it's A1 only. In the app, it says that Section 3 is CEFR A1 covering the high A1 level of communication, including reflexive pronouns, object pronouns, and passato prossimo. This makes sense because that's what A1 is actually supposed to include, but has no connection to what's actually in Section 3, which includes the imperative, future, and imperfect. It also involves quite abstract concepts.
I took A1 and A2 in Italy through CPIA, which is run by the Italian government. I still have the textbooks we used and we didn't even get to passato prossimo until the end of A1, and imperfect until the end of A2. At the end of A1 we were still working on sentences like "La mia amica ha conosciuto suo marito in un viaggio a Cuba", whereas in Duolingo the end of A1 has sentences like "Quando i due si erano conosciuti era stato amore a prima vista" which just seems like a far more complicated sentence structure (and with a tense that's not taught in A1).
So what's the deal? Are they saying it's A1 because the old content was all over the place and when they made the tree and tried to make it align to CEFR A1 they were unwilling to get rid of the old content that wasn't A1? Why not just make the tree bigger and add it into an A2 section?