Dune Awakening Beta Impression Roundup
Looks like there's a lot of these impressions incoming - if you spot one in the wild, post here and I'll add to the list.
Get the latest info from the Dune: Awakening twitter/X:
https://x.com/DuneAwakening (MossySloth69)
- https://www.gamesradar.com/games/survival/after-survival-games-like-conan-exiles-funcom-says-its-made-a-game-with-its-own-identity-out-of-dune-awakening-and-i-believe-it/ (nevayo)
- https://www.eurogamer.net/dune-awakening-proves-mmos-can-still-be-interesting-and-try-new-things (nevayo)
- https://www.pcgamesn.com/dune-awakening/preview-2025 (nevayo)
- https://www.pcgamer.com/games/mmo/after-7-hours-dune-awakening-might-be-the-mix-of-survival-and-rpg-that-finally-wins-me-over-to-the-genre/ (nevayo)
- DeadWomanWalking Gaming - Sandwalking: A Community Podcast (Ok-Imagination6714)
- Force Gaming - We NEED To Talk About Dune Awakening
- Eradicati0n - I Played Dune Awakening EARLY! | Beta Gameplay
- Pixelcave - Hands-On: Our First Steps in DUNE AWAKENING – Beta Impressions #1
- Pixelcave - Hands-On: We Survive the First Hours in DUNE AWAKENING – Beta Impressions #2
- Renfail - Renfail's Thoughts from the Dune: Awakening Closed Beta
- PartiallyRoyal - DAY 1 Exclusive Look at New DUNE AWAKENING Gameplay
- Eurogamer - Dune: Awakening - Is It Good? New Hands-On Gameplay & Impressions (kansasgaymer)