I went past a stopped school bus with it’s flashing red stop sign out and i can’t stop feeling guilty/paranoid/like an idiot. What should i do? Can i even bounce back?

I really screwed up today :( I was in a rush to get home because i wasn’t feeling well and I already have driving anxiety. Welp, i was so focused on feeling sick/getting home that i went right past a stopped school bus with it’s red flashing stop sign out. It’s like i saw cars stopped on the other side of the road but i didn’t see kids actually coming off the bus so it didn’t register to me till i passed the bus and got honked at and then i was like OH SHIT. I felt so bad. I’m feeling so guilty and so paranoid of what will happen next. No cop saw it but i’m nervous someone might have turned my plate number in or that the bus had cameras. The light i had to stop at after the bus was red, so i was there for like a minute and i’m like oh god what if they are writing down my plate number right now since i couldn’t keep on moving. I live in NJ and when i try to look things up it says some NJ areas have cameras and some don’t, i can’t find exact answers.

This completely ruined my day, i went home and cried and was shaking. I legit was having a panic attack and my anxiety is through the roof still when this happened like 7 hours ago. Now over the next few weeks i’ll be paranoid i’ll open my mailbox to a fine/hefty points/court date. It’s even possible to have to do community service or says 15 days in jail. I’m so ashamed of myself. I feel so guilty that i’m so stupid that i passed a SCHOOL BUS :(

On top of that i can’t afford a fine, and then i’m sure my car insurance would go up which i can’t afford, let alone if i also had to pay for a lawyer and court fees :( I feel so awful, i will take any advice anyone has for me