I only have a permit
Hello. Today I had a family member have a really serious talk with me. I’m 22, going to turn 23 this year and still have a fear of driving (and by extension pumping gas). Basically, I was told that I put so much stress on the others around me to take me places, to pump my gas, and am limiting the heck out of my experience in life. And I agree. I feel like a fucking loser. A hideous damsel in distress.
For context: I stay in Houston, Texas. I have a permit. I only drive to work, which is one straight line through neighborhoods for a whopping 30 minutes and a final left turn. I know deep down I can take myself places, I just have this irrational fear that I am going to crash and of course an even bigger fear a cop is going to pull me over and I have no valid license to show him. My biggest fear is turning and driving on the feeder. I also get anxiety when put under the spotlight, like taking a test. I got my permit back in 2020, it says it doesn’t expire until 2028 (unless it expired when I turned 21, although when I’ve gotten ID’d, no one has said it’s expired).
I want to get my license this year, I really do. What should I do to prepare for the drivers license test? Should I go back to driving school and take the test there? Should I just start practicing getting on the road and then schedule a test at the dmv? I want to get the license first and foremost, I feel that if I would have it, my confidence in driving would boost.
Please any advice, I’m tired of limiting myself and being a burden.