Car insurance prices absolutely ridiculous
New driver here. Currently looking for a car, and as I am a uni student and only home about 6 months a year, im looking to share the car with my dad. My budget is fairly high, and I have yet to find ANYTHING decent within a 50 mile radius that doesn’t have an annual insurance worth at least half of the price of the car. Around 90% of everything I have found are toyota aygos, which is definitely a no go as both me and my dad are quite tall.
Even with my dad listed as a primary driver (experienced truck driver, held license for over 28 years..) and my 2 years no claim bonus from my motorcycle, i’m being quoted £3,000 a year for insurance on shitboxes from 2005 worth £2k at most.
Is there literally any car, preferably not a city car, and newer than 2014 that doesn’t cost half of my entire fortune to insure?