Two lane streets where one lane ends

Do you treat two lane streets like zipper merges? I’m not talking about a highway where two lanes merge into one, or an entrance ramp.

Consider a street where the right lane ends eventually, maybe a mile or two away after multiple stoplights and side streets.

It seems there are three types of people on those streets. The ones that know the lane ends so they move into that lane immediately, even when it disrupts traffic. The ones who treat it like a zipper merge and don’t move over until the lane actually ends (and sometimes never merge and go straight through the turn only). The ones who use it to pass every other vehicle they can.

People will sit in the wrong lane even when there is nobody around them and move over when the lines change from normal to tight dots, and sometimes even past where it becomes solid. Why not make it obvious to people around you and move over early?

There are always those people who don’t intend to turn, but sit in that lane mirroring the speed of traffic in the other lane. Usually they finally speed up just before the lane ends, pass one or two people and merge in. Why not just merge early and let faster traffic go by if you are just going to drive their speed?