Anyone here watch La Liga? When did it become comprehensible and who do you root for?

I recently got an ESPN+ subscription because I want to get into watching La Liga, but I feel like I don't understand the commentators well enough to count it as good CI. Has anyone else tried watching it? At what point (hours?) did it become easily comprehensible to you? Did you find that it just took a few games to get used to the way of speaking and type of language used?

I understand enough for it to be enjoyable (70% probably, maybe a little more) but I much prefer >95% for quality CI. I am pretty advanced, though I don't count my hours so I can't really give a great frame of reference. I have had no issues with some live action native shows like Smiley for example, if that gives any clue for my level.

I was thinking it may just be a matter of getting used to the way of speaking, like how they often shorten a 4 syllable phrase "ahí está" to "aita" lol. But I wanted to see if anyone has experience with it before spending a few hours trying to accustom myself to it.

PS: I'm a Barça fan! What team(s) do you root for? I'm just curious but also want some secondary teams to root for when Barça isn't playing lol.