Lionheart has ruined other ffs for me
My God.
Against my better judgement, I have finished chapter 68 despite not having a definite date on the next updates. I am pining for this story the same way Draco pines for Hermione. Lionheart is written so beautifully I have to physically stop myself from annotating each paragraph that I read. It’s been days since I finished and I keep going back to read my favorite moments, if not I will simply go through withdrawals.
Help me, I need more fics written like this (though I doubt Nothing could ever compare) just to sate my thirst for the time being. I’ve read all the popular fics you might possibly suggest, and IMO they aren’t half as amazing as Lionheart. I tried going back to them but I can’t help but compare the writing to greenTeacup’s 😭
greenTeacup the amazing, brilliant, extraordinary writer that you are. You can have my heart and kidney and lungs etc. Please. Take it all. I hope you’re doing fine. I am not. But it’s okay. I can handle this like a big girl.