Each Dragon Ball GT Saga Worst to Best

I did this with Dragon Ball, did it with Z, did it with Super, now here is the Sagas worst to the best sagas from Dragon Ball GT.

Super 17 Saga - I debated with myself where to rank this one. After watching it again I can’t help but feel that there’s a lack of originality. I mean they bring back Myuu. Gero is killed by 17 again. The Cell and Frieza fight in Hell was kind of boring. And you also got all those villains coming back and you don’t really see them do a whole lot. The best thing that came out of this saga was Super 17.

Black Star Dragon Ball Saga - I was going to make this one the least best saga, but it did give me OG Dragon Ball vibes. It felt like that series but with different characters and they are traveling around the galaxy.

Shadow Dragon Saga - Before watching all of GT, I always put this Saga above the others. It’s been bumped down a bit, but not by much. I personally love that we get to see some new characters in the form of the Shadow Dragons, and I’ll be honest, I believe near the end of this saga is where we see the most heart from the series. From Pan being absorbed by Nautoran Shenron to the battle with Nouva and Eis Shenron, it really feels like a good final saga to end Dragon Ball with.

Baby Saga - If the Shadow Dragon Saga had the most heart, the Baby Saga had the most higher stakes. Baby was an amazing Dragon Ball villain. His motives are understandable. His powers and his abilities make him one of the most intimidating and terrifying villains that has ever been in Dragon Ball. Overall, everything about this saga was great. Almost perfect. I said it before and I’ll say it again, I wish Baby was made canonized, like Broly. Because he would fit perfectly into the DBZ canon. It would have been amazing.