Tenshinhan's character is asking to get a master

When I look at Tenshinhan he dosent have that mentor feeling or even capability like Piccolo or even Gohan do. He should but the anime has showed us otherwise, like look at the episode on how he tried to teach his students to Ki charge/control, it was quite embarrasing.

None the less along with the lack of effort written into his fighting ability lately, its like on paper his character is begging to have a master for how clumsy his fighting is vs stronger people.

Out of all the Z-fighters hes at least my top 2 or 3 people I can think off that fits the best of revisiting past masters or people that helped Goku. King Kai, Kaioshen, Yadrat ect.

But since the anime usually dont like characters doing what Goku has done, It would be fun to have Master Shen come back but somewhat reformed and his goals would to train Tien to be strong as possible to get revenge back on Turtle School once again, on a competitive level.
A fun dymanic relationship could be made between Tenshinhan with shrugging Shen off everytime he tries something semi-evil.
(Yes Toriyama said he and Tao supposely died off screen, but that was such a cheap way to write off characters that easily can be rewritten).

But in the end who tf cares, this will NEVER EVER happen as a Tenshinhan Fan so apologies, probably consider this a venting post. F me lol