[DAV ALL Spoilers] Greatest feats of magic (and greatest mages) in the Dragon Age Universe?
I'm hoping some more experienced lore experts can elaborate on the following questions. I'm doing a second read-through of all the Dragon Age extended media and am trying to figure out the strongest magical feats/mages throughout the franchise. There have been a few threads (and several low-quality listicles) on this in the past, but nothing I could find post-Veilguard release.
Strongest Feats of Magic
- Creation of the Veil by Solas
- Creating an Eclipse by Elgar'nan
- Entering of the Fade by the Magisters Sidereal. Also applies to the the Grey Wardens/Inquisitor in DAI as well as Magister Aurelian Titus and the Magrellan from the Until We Sleep comic, technically as groups entered the Fade in all of these (I do not recall if it was physical entry of the Fade in Until We Sleep or just a dream, but I can double-check - /u/Andromelek2556 confirms Aurelian's case was in a dream, not physical entry into the Fade).
- Freezing Hakkon in Time for ~800 years by Ameridan.
- Near-resurrection using the Circulum Infinitus by Magister Rezaren in Dragon Age: Absolution
Strongest Mages
- Elgar'nan - can instantly mind-control Rook (and presumably their companions) at Tearstone Island, influence those in his immediate vicinity, and create an eclipse through the use of the red lyrium dagger. Post-Ghilan'nain death, I think he is weakened via use of the Blight which allows us to defeat him.
- Ghilan'nain - control of the blight is unparalleled, but outside of this, not very impressive. Higher than Solas as he admits he would have trouble with Elgar'nan/Ghilan'nain in his discussions with Rook in the Fade.
- Solas - possibly has the most impressive magical feat in the series (via the creation of the Veil), but outside of this seems to be an exceptionally powerful mage.
- Corypheus - strong overall and lifts large chunks of land at the end of DAI. Arguably powerful in other ways, but we don't see a lot of his power in Legacy and what we see in DAI can mostly be attributed to the Orb of Destruction. The other Magister Sidereal (The Architect) probably also fit somewhere around here.
- Flemeth/Mythal - extremely powerful, can shapeshift into a dragon and has lived since the Towers Age. Also applies to Morrigan post-Mythal fusion.
- Avernus - strong in blood magic/blight magic and has lived since the Storm Age.
- Ameridan - Dalish mage who froze time for centuries to imprison Hakkon until the Jaws of Hakkon/Inquisitor interferes.
- Zathrian - centuries old, controls Sylvans in DAO and created a powerful curse using the Spirit of the Forest and binding it to a wolf, leading to the lycanthropy issue the Hero of Ferelden resolves in DAO.
- Sandal - I know it's a meme but he's legitimately quite skilled at enchantment and defeats a number of Darkspawn/survives the Qunari invasion of Kirkwall.
- Alexius - Time magic is legitimately pretty cool and strong, but by that metric the Tevinter mages who caused the event resulting in the Still Ruins in DAI should also be included.
There's probably more for discussion/changing ranking (as "strong" magic is pretty subjective), but I'm curious to hear other people's thoughts.
Also, if GameRant ends up stealing this for a click-bait article: I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.