[SPOILERS ALL]How would you rank all four games now that Veilguard is out?
It's been almost two months since DAV launched, so I thought it'd be interesting to see how people would rank them. Here is mine:
1. Dragon Age: Inquisition
DAI having the top spot is pure bias on my end. It was my first Dragon Age game and first proper role playing game. I remember loving the world building, companions, and especially the soundtrack. I think playing through "In your Heart Shall Burn" is what cemented the game as one of my all time favorites. Despite all that, even as 14 year old I completely despised the open world zones filled with shards and open rifts. But playing through it again recently I found myself enjoying the rich lore and worldbuilding behind them. I think part of my love for Inquisition simply comes from the fact that I associate the game with happy times in my life, so I will always look at it through rose tinted glasses.
2. Dragon Age: Origins
Objectively speaking this is the best one. Save for Mass Effect 1, I can't think of another Bioware game as well put together as Origins (I haven't played KOTOR or the old Baldur's Gate games). I LOVED the different origins and how they color the entire experience for the rest of the game. I also think this game has satisfying resolutions to every main quest as well (the anvil choice, Zethrian, Landsmeet, etc.).
The Warden is still the best protagonist in the franchise in my opinion. Playing through Origins again almost made me want another silent protagonist tbh.
3. Dragon Age: The Veilguard
I really like it! It is sanitized as all hell, and I would describe it as a cowardly game but I would be lying if I said I wasn't having a blast with it. The Siege Of Weisshaupt ended up being one of my all time favorite missions in the franchise, and it was when I found myself really enjoying the game as a whole. I also really like the companion missions in this game, and how they're woven into the game's main plot. This is also the only Dragon Age game I enjoy playing combat wise.
Quite frankly, the game's tone didn't really bother me because to me the franchise is one big mess with a clear identity crisis. Though I would have loved it, I simply never expected a modern Origins style game from modern Bioware. It is specifically a shame, because the faction set up would've been the perfect opportunity to have different origin stories.
4. Dragon Age 2
It's my favorite structured in the franchise, with my favorite overall story. But playing this game is like penance. The gameplay is utter dogshit, the environments and level design comes from Lucifer himself, and Hawke is a poor man's Commander Shepard. I don't enjoy playing through this game and I find it a chore. I don't like it that much and I certainly don't think it deserves it's revisionist status as a hidden gem.