[DAV ACT 1 SPOILERS] Maw of the Black City Question.

I marked spoilers because I know some pretty strict about spoilers people who would be upset to even learn about unique item effects without finding out themselves.... anyway!

I got the above ring on my saboteur and had a mechanical question. The ring says -20% health on each ability cast, BUT I'm watching my health and it seems to be consuming much less than a full 1/5th of my health? I tested it and can cast 8 abilities and have a sliver of health left. Anyone have ideas as to why? My best guess is that the evanuris +health alters don't count towards the maximum health statistic? I don't see any nodes I have that add health.

Regardless, definitely a fantastic ring to use since the health drain can be offset somehow. May be good if we can identify how it's being offset for sure for future readers!

For those wanting to know what it does and how to get it, it forces your abilities to auto-crit for 1/5 of your health and its in the heights of anthim area (the dock to the left of the crossroads and is snowy) you'll need to kill 50 Darkspawn which requires area resets.