[No DAV Spoilers] Expectations vs Actuals DAV companion rankings.

I thought it would be interesting to see how people rank how much they thought they would like a companion vs how much they actually liked a companion.

I'll start.


  1. Taash (So mysterious and Trick Weekes is an amazing writer)
  2. Emmrich (Necromancer gentleman, yes please)
  3. Lucanis (Cool assassin)
  4. Neve (Cool detective)
  5. Harding (I liked Harding in Inq)
  6. Davrin (Not too interested in direct fighter guys)
  7. Bellara (Seemed overbearing and too much)


Disclaimer: I like all of them to some degree.

  1. Emmrich (Met and then exceeded expectations)
  2. Bellara (Not overbearing at all imo, competent, amazing VA, relatable almost depression where she keeps blaming herself constantly)
  3. Davrin (Such a daddy)
  4. Neve (Still a cool detective)
  5. Lucanis (Still a cool assassin)
  6. Harding (Cool lore but didn't feel like her character was too deep)
  7. Taash (I didn't expect the answer to the mysterious fire-breathing qunari to be "moody teenager")