Rook's Backstories and who they are [DAV Spoilers]
Recently we've been able to see all of the Faction's backstories and its obvious that all of Rook's backgrounds among all 6 factions: Grey Warden, Antivan Crows, Lords of Fortune, Mourn Watch, Shadow Dragons, and Veil Jumpers are different but they all have a common factor to them about Rook as a character. The character's decisions in the game all belong to the player but its their lives before that interested me the most.
With the Grey Wardens Rook was ordered to hold the line against a large group of Darkspawn until more help arrived. They disobeyed and brought their squad into the Deep Roods, sealing the tunnel, driving off the Darkspawn and saving the Village. They were seen as heroes but they were resented by a powerful group of nobles and had to step down for a bit.
For the Veil Jumpers, Rook and a group of their fellow Veil Jumpers went on an expedition into ruins in the Arlathan Forest to obtain important lost lore. Through the danger they recovered an invaluable map leading to a hidden area yet to be discovered. Rook's team was able to escape, but others were trapped within the ruins. Rook returned to save them but lost the map they nearly died trying to get. They were lauded for their bravery by those who they saved, but the leaders of the Veil Jumpers resented them and they had to step away.
For the Shadow Dragons Rook is part of a military family but joined the revolutionary group. Charged with guarding a dignitary who was investigating a slavery ring Nessus, Rook took the mission into their own hands fearing its failure. SO they took a more indirect direct approach and sneaked the dignitary into areas controlled by the Venatori to expose them and not only brought the dignitary back but also freed many slaves. Their actions led to the mission's success but the Venatori had them in their sites now, so the Shadow Dragons kept them out of sight.
As a Lord of Fortune, Rook is a skilled thief hunting tombs and ruins. They were hired and double crossed by a Rivaini Noble who tried to obtain a dangerous artifact. Naturally they killed them and destroyed the artifact as well as saving the lives of the Lord's expedition members. The problem came about when it upset many of the Nobles and a common fact among the Lord's of Fortune is that they need the authorities to look the other away for their expeditions. With Rook killing one of the nobles, they had to step down for a while.
Before becoming a member of the Mourn Watch Rook was discovered by the undead inside a Grand Necropolis Tomb, as a baby. Rook was raised by the Necromancers and joined the order. During a conflict among the undead nobility which would be known as the War of the Banners, Rook led an attack on the rebellion's dueling leaders. And it worked which caused the lives of many living and even undead to be saved. However because they killed many undead nobles their actions were controversal of the strict beliefs of the members of the Mourn Watch and the fear they had insulted the order's aristocratic patrons, they had to push them into traveling for a while.(This backstory is metal as fuck)
Lastly we have the Antvian Crows. Rook started out as a talented new crown who would quickly gain full membership. They disliked the more cautious attitudes of their commanders and older members. This is due to Rook's own city being occupied by the Ataam, brutal soldiers they despised greatly. So when Rook saw a patrol of Ataam and their shackled captives in the dead of night they knew only one thing to do; attack them and free the prisoners. And again, in spite of saving countless lives they faced consequences. What Rook didn't know was that their was a larger Crow operation against the Ataam and crippled it through their actions. They were punished and put off from any more missions until further notice leading Rook to search for ways to prove themselves.
All of these things have few things in common that tells us something about Rook;
- They are Rebellious in nature or at the very least controversial. In every background Rook does something against figures of authority or high ranking figures to do what they think is right or even making decisions that go against their beliefs. It doesn't matter if it is a member of their own group, it doesn't matter if its an opposing faction. (EDIT)
- They prioritize saving people. In many of the situations Rook is in they could easily follow orders, turn the other way, keep silent and worry about their own survival. But they don't, they risk themselves, artifacts, positions and more because they wish to save lives. Even if its lives of those they don't know they will risk much to save them.
- They are punished for their good deeds. Rook is always punished for their actions despite the good they are either punished by their own group or by high ranking authorities. Not to say they're wrong but whether they are wrong or right matters in that way. Its not always malicious though.
- The meaning behind their name. Rook is incredibly talented, smart and strong. And this isn't just me saying this. Every backstory for every Rook has them going up against what are opponents, armies, ruins of unstable ancient magic, undead, darkspawn and more with what should be odds against their favor. But somehow, some way they turn the tide in their favor and win the day. They are a piece that an turn things around when you least expect them: like an Ace up your sleeve ready to make a pair, an attack you save for when your enemy is exposed or a Rook that takes the King and wins the game.
With all of these things its no wonder why Varric found them. He's always had a knack for seeking out talent but also someone heroic whether its Hawke, the Inquisitor or even Rook he knows people. Its also why the Dev's say Solas sees much of his younger self in rook; always spoiling for a fight, rebellious as hell, trying to do the right thing. That might be one of the things that shapes Solas's opinion about Rook as time goes by.
I actually like that there's something across the board with these backstories. Not only is it more specific than in Inquisition, but they're cool as hell.