Got scammed big tonight :/

Scheduled an order of $250 worth of food for a game night and after waiting two ish hours after that window and watching driver after driver pick it up and cancel I called the restaurant. The first driver picked it up and stole our food. It got marked as delivered right after the phone call and of course…it wasn’t. On the phone with support again right now and feeling defeated. Why do people do this? Won’t you get caught and kicked off as a driver?? That’s a shit ton of food my guy…whatcha gonna do with it?

Update: I did get a refund. The store said last night that they wanted to file a police report so I think when they open I’ll call to ask if they ever did that out of my own curiosity. Thanks for all of the insight and musing my little rant. In terms of the party, people left because they were hungry and I don’t blame them. We ordered a pizza for the few of us that stayed and I told them I’d refund everyone once that money hits my account again.

Edit: please stop telling me it’s my fault for using DoorDash. It’s literally the point of the entire service and I gave a $55 tip on the app AND offered to help them bring it in. The restaurant DID file a police report and after that’s settled I’ll delete DoorDash anyway, but you can’t blame a girl for trying for what it’s LITERALLY MEANT TO DO!!!!! Driving me nuts. It’s like putting your money in a bank and the bank gets robbed and saying, “what did you expect…that happens.”

Like hello???