How much sleep do you get?

I have two 7yo dogs and I swear I haven't slept in in 7 years. It doesn't matter what time we let them out at night, they WILL wake me up at 3-5am. It's so bad that I had to go to bed at 7pm last night to make sure I had enough sleep because I have to drive to the city this morning.

Thankfully (or sadly) I don't work because of health issues currently, so I can typically go back to bed after but... ugh. Usually my husband lets them out at 11pm or something before going to bed, but it doesn't matter, they still wake me up at 4am the next day (they don't get fed until 5 - tried pushing to 6 and it made no difference). If for some reason he goes to bed early it's awful.

Not really looking for advice but some solidarity I guess :D

We used to have another dog who died a couple of years ago who always let us sleep in, I swear he could hold it for 12 hours...