Do 'stubborn' dogs exist?
I'm a non-dog-owner who volunteers at a local animal shelter. Because of that, Reddit has started to show me lots of dog subs (probably because now that my exposure to dogs is so much higher, I find it really interesting to learn more about dog behavior, dog management, etc. and click on a lot of them).
A very common refrain I see is 'this dog is really stubborn' - then the descriptions are often things like hard to train, hard to potty-train, don't listen to commands outside the house, etc. My (limited) understanding of dogs is that in general they don't experience/demonstrate emotions like that (e.g. they don't feel 'sorry' or 'guilty' when they're bad, they don't behave badly because they 'resent' being left alone, etc.).
My guess would be that dogs aren't 'stubborn' (or at least not in the way that people are) - yes, some dogs are better at listening to commands in the house, some dogs have a hard time focusing on training when there are other things that are more appealing to them, some dogs have a harder time being house-trained, but it's not like they're thinking, 'oh yeah I know exactly what you want me to do. well screw you, I don't have to do that, you're not the boss of me.'