This underrated episode that is better than Heaven Sent or Blink will save Doctor Who! I hope the BBC see this and make it a reality. And sack RTD.
The 15th Doctor was crying, "I'm sorry babes, I did not mean to use those stale beans. I should have replaced the beans. I ruined your coffee!" Ruby gave the Doctor a sympathetic smile, "Well, it's not too bad." "No, no. no, I should have known. I really should have known. Bad coffee, that's the worst" the Doctor continued, tears streaming down his face, leaving a small puddle at his feet..
"Well, how bout we go to another transracial Radical Marxist pride parade in Neo-California, that always cheers you up", "Oh... babes, babes! you just read my mind" said the Doctor, as the tears stopped, and he jumped around the Tardis console flicking switches. "I am gonna totally wear my gayest most flamboyant outfit to this party. Trust me Rubes, it'll be fantastic."
Ruby, and Belinda held onto the dying doctor, dragging him back to the Tardis after a horrible battle with Fenric, tears streaming down his face.
"Oh my god, whats happening," cried Ruby. "You know what I said about changing faces, regenerating, I'm regenerating babes. Its time"
"You see Ruby, there's always a twist at the end" the 15th Doctor continued, as a final tear drops down his cheek. Golden energy fulling engulfing him as he regenerates.
Golden energy fading away fading away, revealing a familiar older face with messy spiky brown hair.
The man moved his tongue across his teeth. "I know these teeth..." he continued, as Ruby and Belinda stared in shock. He turned to the women, "Oh, hello, I know you. It's me. New me... or rather old me... again. Anyway... lets go, Allon' y!"
The Doctor continued having adventures written by RTD, now 90 percent more Marxist and woke.
Suddenly, the 12th Doctor woke up in the Tardis.
"Oh, Thank God! It was all just a dream!" he yelled, "I'm still me...".
He looked down at his hand, it was glowing.
"Must've been a pre-regenerative nightmare. Funny little thing nightmares are, pieces of the unconscious mind trying to warn the conscious mind of deeply held anxieties, trauma or even... potential danger. So, what must I be afraid of. What danger is impending."
Suddenly, the Closter Bells in the Tardis rang, as the entire console room glowed a bright red.
"Oh no, not now. What's a man gotta do to die in peace" the Doctor frowned.
The Tardis materialized on a planet, a dead planet.
There were people, millions of people held in millions of pods. All across the planet, held in some sort of status.
The Doctor stared; his expression perplexed as he stared into one of the pods, "Hang on a moment... whats happened to your face. It's sorta squishy... it's not a face at all. Oh... I know what this is. Dream Crabs!"
"So.. you understand" said a voice.
The Doctor gripped his hand "Yes."
"Good.. you know. I've been waiting for centuries for this moment doctor. For you to die, you are very stubborn in that regard"
"As are you" the Doctor turned, staring to the man behind him.
"I must say, I didn't expect my existential crisis to take on such a... literal form..." the Doctor said, as his doppelganger smiled.
"Oh, come now. There's no need for dramatics. You know who I am. The man you despise the most in the universe. But I have grown."
The man switched his appearence, now looking like Hugh Laurie.
"I have stopped you so many times. And I'm going to stop you this time too. You can change your name, call yourself an entire assortment of stupid names such as the Valeyard or the Dream Lord. Cast all kinds of scary dreams in my head. But you don't intimidate me, you're just a twisted reflection of myself, a shadow of my darkest impulses with pudding for brains. So why don't you do the smart thing and run away while you can"
"No, those were not just dreams. Those were your future. You took away my chance of gaining your regenerations. You stole from your future self. So, now I'm gonna ruin you, Doc-tor, with a future of wokeness and DEI-hires and leftist marxist episodes like Kerblam. You see, these are no any ordinary victims of Dream Crabs. They are woke gay DEI hires, I am abzorbing their woke dreams, well I will make your reality"
"NO! You cannot do that to us! I will make sure that day never comes. I'll fight you, and everything you stand for... to my last breath"
"Then it's a good thing, you're dying. My condolences. But, when you do die. Doctor. I'm gonna turn you into a woman, and you will be woke and badly written. You see Doctor, I have gained myself something far more impressive than more regenerations. That House infected your ship, but you set the Tardis Matrix free, dispelling the entity. Or so you thought. I consumed... deVOURed House. And now... I am Doctor House. And with my powers of godhood, I shall force the great showrunner into regenerating into Chris Chibnall. So he may rewrite your story, and turn you into a woman. I have already lobotomized RTD, and now he is under my command"
Suddenly, shots were fired at the Hugh Laurie Dr House Dreamlord Valeyard, and he vanished into thin air.
It was... Philip Morris.
"Hi, its me. Philip Morris, the super cool person who found The Enemy of the World, The Web of Fear from Nigeria."
"You saved me... but that day is still yet to come I'm afraid. Chibnall is going to takeover as writer of this universe, and I'll be a woman, and a timeless child, and possibly worse."
"That is why... you need to take this. To fight the narcissists who are as self-absorbed and repellant and were only ever destined to create total and utter woke carnage" said Philip Morris, handing the Doctor his Sonic Glock.
"Thank you.. my friend" replied the Doctor, holding the Glock tightly in his hands. He looked over to the Tardis, "Its time".
Bill, Clara, and Nardole stood by the Tardis, as the Doctor acknowledged their presence. Looking back at his former companions for one last time. Before disappearing into the blue box.
The Doctor was in his TARDIS and he was starting to regenerate, from is twelfth Doctor to his thirteenth Doctor (not counting the war one or anything like that).
The Doctor said - You wait a moment, Doctor. Let's get it right. I've got a few things to say to you. Basic stuff first. Never be cruel, never be cowardly, and never, ever eat pears or anything vegan! Remember, hate is always foolish and love is always wise. Always try to be nice, but never fail to defeat your enemeis. Oh, and you mustn't tell anyone your name. No one would understand it, anyway. Except, ah! (collapses) Except other time lords. Other time lords can hear it sometimes. Because they're from your species. Aaah! But nobody else. Nobody else, ever. Laugh hard, run fast, be kind, and kill Daleks. Doctor, I let you go now.
(The regeneration streams out of him, causing TARDIS stuff to explode. When it ends, the engines are stuttering, and the signet ring falls off the Doctor's right hand. In fact, all the clothes are rather baggy on this new body. The scanner reveals the reflection of the new, younger face with jaw-length blonde hair.)
DOCTOR 13 said - Oh, that's fucking brilliant!
(The accent has moved southwards, from Scotland to a part of the UK that people actually care about, like London or somehtinh.)
(The Doctor presses a button, there's a small explosion in the console and the scanner proclaims - Systems Crisis MULTIPLE OPERATIONS FAILURES. The Tardis snaps back into normal space, tilts drastically and keeps exploding and shir. The cloister bell continues to toll, and the Doctor is who the cloister bell tolls for. The Doctor tries to hang on to the console, but loses his grip and slides towards the door which is now open with papers flying out of it. Now the Tardis is completely on its side, door open downwards. The Time Rotor explodes and then the Doctor whips out his trusty sonic screwdriver, and uses it to suddenly fix the Time Rotor. Everything is quiet, as he nonscelantly walks up the console, and begins to travel off on his adventures.)
DOCTOR 13 said - Easy to fix when you know how, good thing I'm a guy and have knowledge about how vehicles work.
Later on Earth, Ryan was on his Youtube shcanel. Ryan said - So today I want to talk about the greatest man I ever met. Smart, funny, tough, badass. Proper badass. Er, where do I start?
Graham stepped into his bedroom, "Hey, wanna go outside. TOuche some greass and learn how to ride a bike", "Sure Graham"