Season Four is my unskippable season

I love this show, I do, but there's some episodes that are okay to skip when it's your fifth go-around, yknow?

However, season four is unskippable in its entirety. The one episode I could excuse skipping is the Voyage of the Damned if you're not a Titanic nerd and if that even counts as part of this season or if it's in the last. Otherwise, it contains gems like the Fires of Pompeii, Midnight, Turn Left, Journey's End (duh), and the masterpiece that is the Silence in the Library two-parter. The Tenth doctor is in his prime in this season, Donna is fantastic, their dynamic is so funny and awesome, and knowing what is to come is even better.

Furthermore, the multi-episode transition from Ten to Eleven is one of the most wonderful things to happen on TV and a pivotal point in my life.