Questing Beast interviews Mike Mearls on 5e and 5.5e
Mike Mearls had left to work at Chaosium and speaks pretty freely on DnD now. I think the thing that resonates to me the most is when he says “the act of playing 5e is the act of playing a roleplaying game. The act of playing 5.5e is the act of playing 5.5e where youre spending a lot of the time manipulating the system and thinking about the system, interacting with the rules rather than the person across the table”
I think this hits me harder because I’ve spent the past year playing pf2e over 5.5, and i’ve lost the fun and wonder I had when I first started playing 5e
He also says it’s telling that WotC isn’t giving you the rules to make your own monsters so they can sell you their monsters