Help with Character Backstory. Feedback requested
Hello! I would like some feedback on what I've developed so far for my new character. To preface, he is a black dragonborn artificer who will subclass into armorer named Drakthar Forgeheart.
When Drakthar was born, it was to his tribe's surprise that he was missing an arm and a leg. The initial thought amongst them was to send him away, as his disability would hinder his overall usefulness among the clan's society, but thanks to the protest of his parents, he was allowed to stay. He was made a crude prosthetic for his missing arm and leg, and as he grew, he struggled with most physical task assigned to him, having to often rely on the pity of his clan members to get his work done. His clan's pity ran out as he approached puberty, and the decision was made to exile him from the clan, under the pretense that he will need to force himself to succeed or die trying. Though his parents protested, they were raised to always put the needs of the clan before their own, and reluctantly said their goodbyes. Drakthar was forced to survive on his own, his only weapons being his acid breath, and a shoddy shortsword given to him as an exile gift from his tribe, the last twisted piece pity they gave him. As time passed, his prosthetics were weathered by the forces of nature, severely limiting his movement. He eventually made it to a small town near the edge of a forest. At the end of his strength, he collapsed around the outskirts, falling unconcious.
When Drakthar woke up, he was greeted with the sounds of clanging metal and roaring fire. He had been found by Darrak Fireforge, a dwarf who was the blacksmith of the town he collapsed near. Darrak soon came to greet him, explaining to him how he had found him while gathering kindling, and brought him in before a wild animal had their way with him. He presented Drakthar with new prosthetics that he had made after witnessing the horrendous condition his previous ones were in, outwardly appalled by their design. Darrack then explained since he did save Drakthar from certain death, Drakthar has to repay him somehow. Seeing as Drakthar couldn't possibly pay him with anything, Darrak offered him a job at his forge, as he needed an extra set of hands. He also hoped that because Drakthar is dragonborn, he would be able to help him while smelting metal with his fire breath. Drakthar quickly explained to him that he could only breath acid, but Darrak simply replied with "We'll find a way." As Drakthar had no other place to go, he accepted Darrak's proposition, and began work as his assistant.
The first thing that Drakthar noticed with his new prosthetics is how much easier it was to do things with them. His first prosthetics were shoddy and made in a rush, barely ever getting an adjustment, with any request made for them being met with the reply of "Just get used to it." His new prosthetics eclipsed his previous ones by 10 fold, as Darrak clearly made them with care in order to make sure they properly accommodated him. He had an easier time learning the basics of being blacksmith then any task he had do in his old tribe, but most importantly, whenever he needed help with something, Darrak never met his gaze with the hopeless sense of pity his former clan constantly gave him. Often times, he was excited to show off his knowledge towards his ward, and encourage mistakes to be made, as the only way to get better is to learn from them. Drakthar soon became engrossed with being a blacksmith, and soon moved on to becoming an armor smith. Eventually, he began learning from Darrak how he could design his own prosthetics to his own liking.
Years passed, and Drakthar, though enjoying his job as a smith, soon began yearning for more. He explained to Darrak that his new prosthetics gave him a sense of autonomy that had always yearned for, and gave him happiness in his time of darkness. Now, he wanted to give that happiness towards other through his craft and requested a leave of absence so he could explore his purpose. Darrak took this as Drakthar wanting to be in charge of his own branch of the forge, so he granted Drakthar his request. Darrak warned him though, that this is not a task that can be done on his own, and to be a truly great armorer, he would need firsthand experience on what the armor he crafts goes through, pointing Drakthar towards the adventuring guild in town. Drakthar, understanding his sentiment, gathered his belongings, which consist of heavy armor, his tinkering tools, a longsword and shield, etc..., said goodbye to Darrak, and headed off towards the unknown.