Was Emily Kaldwin molested during the first game?

First of all, I apologize for the alarmist title i've put.

My doubt came when I was talking with a friend, I was telling him that Emily, was held captive in Golden Cat, (I explained him that Golden Cat is a brothel), then he made a grimace of "horror", after that, I told him that during the time she was on the brothel, she wasn't abused, I think so.

The idea if Emily could have been molested kept resonating in my head. So I had the best idea ever, why don't I ask fellow Dishonored fans like me?

So my doubt is:
was emily kaldwin abused during the time she was under Pendleton's custody in Golden Cat?

(Sorry for my bad english, I don't usually speak or write on this language, because it's not my native one, love)