What equipment should I get?
Hi there! I've had Dish forever and I'm upgrading my equipment. They are coming out Friday. Unfortunately, I was not on the phone call when the equipment got ordered so I'm going to call them and see what they're bringing. Before I do, I want to know what I should be wanting. I know that I'm getting a Hopper 3. We have four TVs. Right now we have a Hopper with Sling, Super Joey, and two wireless Joeys. I don't believe there is a Super Joey anymore and the rep mentioned something about a Hopper 3, two Joeys, and something else. What would the last thing be?
We have two living rooms, so that's where we keep the Hopper w/ Sling and Super Joey. The wireless Joeys are in the bedrooms. We're thinking of getting new 4K TVs in the living rooms soon, hopefully within the month. Should I get the Hopper 3, a 4K Joey, and two wireless Joeys?
What's with the Hopper Plus? Does it need internet to show live TV and DVR shows? We have decent internet but it's not good enough for streaming all the time, if that makes sense. It's still rural internet.
Sorry for all the questions, I really appreciate any help. Thank you!