Recently discovered and became obsessed with DG but broke my ankle and can't play for a few months.
Just started playing in November. Was playing multiple rounds a week for the past 6 weeks, just got my first disc bag, got to a 163 rating on Udisc, have been disgustingly close to 2 aces, and was really starting to notice improvement in my game but now this. I cringe at the idea of not being able to play for so long, and losing all of my muscle memory will surely set me back to square one. I don't know why I'm even posting this, I think I just needed to complain to someone who will understand. To anyone who cares, donk a few trees, for me.
EDIT/UPDATE: First off, I really appreciate all the good vibes 🤘 Hearing about the success some of you have had after having to train in a different way due to injuries was very encouraging. I've already gotten hooked on Disc Golf Valley, so thanks those of you who recommended that. My home course is 3 minutes away so as soon as I'm healed enough from surgery I'll be setting up camp on the putting green. Thanks again y'all