Anyone else rarely keep score?

When I first started back in 2005 disc golf was a way to get out in the woods with friends, smoke some weed, and throw discs around. We didn't take it *super* serious but we definitely had fun and didn't keep score.

I'm close to 35 now and have been back into disc golf for the last two years and I don't keep score very often, in fact, I don't think I've ever seriously kept score on uDisc, just put par so I can see the next hole. Seems silly I suppose but I usually play solo, throw multiple discs, and am really just out there having a good time trying to relax and not stress about beating anyone, just getting better (which for me I can just tell).

Is anyone else like this? Has anyone started to keep score after going basically their life without doing so? I plan on getting better at it but it has become a habit at this point. Has it improved your game?

E: This really blew up! I'm honestly a bit surprised that so many of us just keep a mental score or no score! Now that I know that inputting scores on courses helps the course out I'm going to try and do better. Thanks for all the responses!