My only complaint about tech disc, and it makes me somewhat regret the purchase
I recently received my Techdisc and was SUPER excited for it to arrive. Began throwing almost immediately. For those who don't know, you are able to adjust the flight numbers so the simulator can be matched to the flight shape of your disc, except for one number, fade. The system takes a guess as to what it thinks your fade should be. First disc it got wrong was my Discraft Hades 12,5,-3,2, it made the fade .5. So while i was able to get the disc to stand up on a hyzer flip, the disc will not finish out to the left because of the lack of fade. The 2nd disc it got wrong was my Mako3 5,5,0,0 the simulator gave it a fade of 1.75 and doesn't not remotely match the flight of a mako3 due to almost a fade of 2. For anyone that has thrown a Mako3 you know its a dead straight disc. With 5 degrees of hyzer it gave my 65ft left of center line. While my main focus of getting the Techdisc was the feed backs of speed, nose angel, etc, it would have been nice to be able to actually match the flight path IRL. My expectation of $300 purchase was higher then this and im somewhat let down by this product
EDIT: ok people are taking this as i think the product is trash. I still think it's a great training aid and look forward to improving over the summer. I just thought the simulator would allow me to work on shot shape as well, so far that isn't the case with certain discs