Would You Like To See More Disability Friendly Music Venues in the USA? Share Your Experience


I'm seeking feedback from the disability community across America regarding music venues. I am a wheelchair user, who loves music. I love attending concerts, but there is just one problem. I am often charged extra because of my need for handicap seating as well as for handicap parking. Often, the seating fees apply to friends and family as well because who wants to go to a concert or show by themselves?

When I was younger, I was in the mosh pits at Warped Tour with the rest of them haha. However, this is no longer the case as I just can't do that anymore. I just want to know of the experiences of other disabled people with regard to music venues. I am often finding that disabled seats come at a premium to people who may not necessary need them, but in a financial position to afford them?

Nowadays, If this ends up being the case for me, I simply won't go to a show. However, I still want to be able to go! What I ideally like to see happen is a pledge from major acts, associations, and labels alike in saying that they are committed to disabled fans and listeners. I want these powerful groups to help fight for our rights as fans to attend their shows and performances! However, everything starts at the base level, with us the fans

Share your experience and based on your feedback, I and (others, if willing will start a change.org petition)

Please, I can't do this alone. I need YOUR voice