Built my first directory.
Been building out All Wedding Venues for the last couple of weeks. I have built it on https://makeadir.com/ which is probably one of the lesser known platforms out there, I chose this platform because it was free to start essentially and the dev is very accessible and hears all of your suggestions. Its mainly a B2C location based directory. I am focussing on adding canadian venues first because thats where I am based. I have seen that there is a lot of directory websites in a similar space out there at the moment but almost all of them don't appear to have any backlinks for the location based keywords, so hopefully my directory can be competitive. I am hoping that the dev will include stripe support and images soon so that I can reach out to venues and see if I can get some revenue coming in, Im basically following john hurts directory guide.
The other thing I found for building out my directory was using AI Web Scraper from instantapi.ai which allows you to do any type of scraping for only $5 per month. Ive been using it to scrape data from google maps where I have found all of the venue data. Most google maps scrapers I have come across charge a tonne more than that. The other tool I have found to be useful is another redditor made an AI based keyword tool called kiva and that also has been really beneficial to find mid volume/high volume low competition keywords.
I have built another directory on mkdirs but I only launched that yesterday as it took me awhile to build up the motivation to go through the setup procedure.