For people who are addicted to Social Media

This is only my simple suggestion. I have seen a few posts with people with screen times over 12 hours, mainly scrolling on tiktok and/or Instagram. Here is my thought process and my maybe simple solution to replace the mindless scrolling.

I am a 28f who has grown up with the rise of the internet. I remember not having a computer as a child, to the transition of a family computer with dial up, and then I got my first flip phone when I was a freshman in high school. I remember when Facebook came out, my oldest sister had just went to college and I made one as a 10 year old so I could instant message her. At that time we had to log onto the dialup to use the internet. So my computer time was limited to 15 minutes a day, as my mother didn’t like the phone line being off for very long. My first iPhone was purchased when I was a senior in high school. That was the year I downloaded Instagram. I was an avid reader as a kid/teenager, so my mother bought me a kindle fire, on that device I downloaded Vine, I became addicted to it. I loved the short form content.

When vine was deleted I went back to my old reading habits. As I became more dependent on my phone and social media in my early twenties, I posted a lot, I loved the “fake interactions”, the likes the comments, being able to peer into others lives. When TikTok was released I refused to download it as I knew I would become addicted. I did eventually relent and downloaded the app at the end of 2020. I became addicted to it. Spending my office time scrolling. Not paying attention. Thinking about it constantly… I knew I needed to change.

In January of 2023 I deleted the app. I have yet to redownload it. But my focus went to Instagram reels. I became addicted to those. Saving them to show my partner, spending so much time on my phone, an inch from my face, blue light shining in my eyes. Hours and hours wasted. There’s only been a few that have stuck with me and I can remember but what of all the others I wasted my brain power on?

In November of 2024, after Trump won the US election. Something in me snapped. I am so frustrated that billionaires are running our government and do not care about us. I began to realize that they are making money off of my time. I began to think of getting on Instagram as clocking in for my unpaid Meta shift to make Zuckerberg more money. There are many other things that have turned me off to the social media apps. I do not want to spend my time making more money for a billionaire. I am not a slave I can pick where my time and attention goes to. I began diving into my hobbies. I started replacing my phone time with other things. To keep my hands and mind busy. I began to quilt again. I bought watercolor paints. I signed up for a weekly ceramics class, I started going to the gym 4 days a week. But as the new year rolled around I wanted to do more. I swore this year I would limit my Amazon purchases. I went to the local library and got a library card, which has single handedly became the best decision I have made. I now listen to audiobooks while I sit and work my desk job. Instead of scrolling I bring a book along with me and read. I make sure no matter what time I go to bed I read at night for at least 15 mins to calm my mind. I have decided to become more engaged. I didn’t completely delete my social media, actually I downloaded GoodReads so I could track my books. I find now that when I am listening to an audio book or reading my mind craves the movie the book creates in my head. My brain wants so desperately to be engaged, and it finally is. The feeling I was seeking from all those hours on my phone, to be engaged.

When I get back on Instagram, it bores me. There’s nothing but ads.

The point of my post is a pleading one. Go to the library, get the hoopla app. Become more present in your life. Do you remember anything that you’ve watched on TikTok or Instagram? I think of all the hours my dogs have watched me sit and mindlessly scroll my phone. Time I could’ve been spending with them but I was clocked in. Take your life back. It is hard and the FOMO sucks. But you are in control of how you spend your time. Do it to read, to think, to listen. Be a human, not a zombie. Remember they are making money off of your consciousness. Stop the scrolling. Good luck.