First week 24/7 thoughts

So yeah just got done with my first week going 24/7 in my diapers. Now I'm just being honest I don't know if you count it true 24/7 because I'd air out every now and then and a couple of times that was longer than it really needed to be. Like one night early on in the week I slept for 5 or 6 hours without a diaper cuz I fell asleep airing out. And I've used the toilet a couple times for pee and poop. Mostly when I was hearing out or when I was like I'm going to change my wet diaper and I got to poop I might as well use the bathroom so it's not as much of a clean up.

I got a good deal on some really cheap diapers some Tranquility cloth-backed diapers and they're okay I have had some more leaking issues with them than I normally do with my high quality top of the line diapers. But I would keep continuing to do this. It is kind of getting to be a little bit of a pain but it's mostly due to is my skin okay and me having some anxiety over that. The diapers themselves I still enjoy wearing them. But starting tomorrow for the next couple days I'm going to have to take a break because I got stuff that's happening that makes it to where I cannot wear it and changing it and everything would get complicated with the people I'm going to be around.

Only reason I'm not wearing diapers is because I know these people and I don't want to have to explain stuff and also stuff like that. If these were people I had just met I'd be going full steam ahead I'd be telling them I have a medical issue if they asked.

It has been a little bit difficult like I've been going okay let's just make it through one week. But now that I'm through a week actually after about the third day I was pretty much like let's go full steam ahead.

Anyways yeah those are my thoughts. I am curious do you think I would qualify as going 24/7?

I will be back in diapers in a couple days. For the near future I'm going to be going in my diapers 24/7 until I use them all up but it's going to be like 5 days on two days off type of a thing only because of stuff I'm doing with people and these are people I know.