Is 4 months long enough on dialysis before making the decision to stop?
My BIL (73) decided last week that he wants to die so has stopped attending dialysis. His wife (my sister) died 5.5 years ago and he has been depressed ever since. His oldest son who's unemployed has been living with him for 2 years. BIL found out that his son has apparently been helping himself to l credit cards along with making money withdrawals using his debit card. So he tossed him out of the apartment.
It was right after this blowup that he decided that he's had enough and wants to die. He told everyone that he hates dialysis and basically does nothing but sleep between treatments. He told me when I called couple of days ago thay he was just "tired of all the BS." He also takes 60 pills daily for an assortment of other medical issues. His other son heard him out and contacted the hospice program at the VA. They've also been in to see him and are providing nursing, a chaplain and palliative care (drugs).
I guess I have 2 questions. Is 4 months long enough to get accustomed to and adapted to dialysis before deciding to stop treatment? Secondly, am I wrong to feel that such a huge decision should not be made after such a traumatic incident as with his son? I don't know if hospice has someone who deals with the mental status of their patients but you would think so, right?