Was the environmental damage this bad in previous Diablos?

Behold! I have saved entire cities, defeated demon lords single-handedly, survived the fiery depths of Hell, and went toe-to-toe with Lilith herself and emerged victorious! But alas, I was ultimately defeated when I... stood in a poison puddle for a few seconds.

Bosses and enemies are barely a threat. But heaven forbid I stand too close to a barrel when it explodes. At this point I'm afraid to collect loot because one of the hundreds of effects happening on screen at the same time might be a martyr fireball. And don't even get me started on lightning poles.

This is my first Diablo. Were the previous ones this bad? Sub-question: WHY is it this bad? Do you know how frustrating it is die to an enemy AFTER you've defeated them? Someone at Blizzard needs to be fired.

Edit: By "environmental damage" I mean anything that isn't direct damage from enemies, e.g. poison puddles, death fireballs that explode twice and seem to follow your movement, lightning poles, spinning lightning balls, fear spells, freeze bombs, those weird lava bulbs that explode in waves, etc.