Tempering needs a rework from scratch
Even with the scroll bricking an item still feels like shit.And getting the same temper 5 times in a row is ridiculous. The scroll is just a band aid it really needs a rework.
Whenever something good drops you can't just be happy because you know you have to gamble and possibly destroy an item. Does not matter if I have 7 or 14 tries if in the end it still is bricked.
Getting the temper one wants is less a success and more just relief. And I can't imagine that was the intention when designing the feature.
Or make the scrolls reusable on the same item multiple times. Even if it costs more. 1st restore 1 scroll, second restore 2, third restore 3 etc. of if Blizzard wants it to be punishing make it exponential and go 1-2-4-8 etc. but don't make us destroy our stuff.