It's impressive how many different ways the patch has ruined the game.

Feel embarassed because I made a post weeks ago about how fun the game was, was excited for season 1 and yeah here comes the patch.

What I am impressed with is they've managed to ruin everything, everything is worse and this is a BIG game. LOTS of intricacies and skills that add together, and to see the sheer number of combinations of ways they've ruined the game is astounding.

Casual, Hardcore, Streamer, everybody hates this across the board and each in different, yet all very real, ways.

My personal favorite is making it harder to teleport out of a dungeon. Boy that's reeeeal deep trolling.

Levelling up slower, every class being shit on individually, then changes that effect every class across the board for the worst, items getting worse in every way, literally pages explaining how everything is just worse, no new content.

The only thing that everybody seems to agree with is that the best thing this patch has done is free 90gigs from everyone's hardrive because every style of player no longer has ANY interest in this game. It came out a month ago. Bravo Blizzard you've blizzarded again.