Am I the only one who…

Am I the only one who randomly looks at pictures of me before diagnosis and at diagnosis and then compare them to recent pictures ?

I know a week after being out of the hospital, looking at those pics made me sad (actually depressed) because I was in a state of mind where I “missed my old life”.

Then few months after, I looked at videos and pics and that was when I realized that I almost DIED and I didn’t realize how skinny I was and NEVER NOTICED THAT I WAS LOSING WEIGHT even though my mom told me EVERY SINGLE DAY that I was. That was the “chock stage”

And now it has been 5 months and when I look at those pictures it feels like I’m looking at somebody else’s pictures because I’ve changed so much physically and mentally!

I really went through the 5 stages of grief being on the last stage now, acceptance.

(Anyway this was just a random post 🤣 lmk if you guys felt/feel the same!)