Scared of lows, it's messing me up bad.

The anxiety that low blood sugar has caused me over the past couple of months is really messing with my head and I'm messing up my numbers.

Last December I had a really bad low, chugged a coke and all I remember is waking up on the side of my bed, no memory of getting into bed or falling asleep.

Ever since then my A1C has slowly been creeping up. From 6.2 to 6.9 and I bet if I were tested right now I'd be in the mid 7's.

I've been waking up around the 200's because I'm scared of going low. Ever since I started my keto diet it seems like even one unit of insulin will cause me to drop dramatically. Is this insulin resistance?

I see my sugar dropping fast and I'm terrified it's not going to level out. I've been a diabetic for years and this new found fear of mine is really throwing me into a severe burnout that's going to lead to complications.

Any advice?

Edit: I have a Dexcom G6