Manager Promised a Raise & Wants to Retain Me—Should I Trust It or Move On?
I’m in a tough spot and could use some advice. I got an offer from a new employer, but when I informed my current company, my manager (along with their manager) said they want to retain me with the same salary but will work on getting me a raise in June.
The problem is:
They haven’t confirmed anything in writing yet.
If I reject the new offer and stay, there’s a chance they might not follow through on the salary increase.
If I wait until June and nothing happens, I’ll have lost this job opportunity and will have to start searching again.
I know I’m a valuable resource as my client has appreciated me multiple times, and leadership is well aware of my contributions. I’ve already proven my worth here. But if they truly value me, shouldn’t they offer the raise now instead of delaying it?
So now I’m stuck wondering:
Should I trust their word and stay, hoping they’ll actually give me the raise in June?
Should I push for written confirmation before making a decision? Does such written confirmation have any value as well?
Has anyone been in a similar situation where their company promised a raise to keep them? Did they actually follow through?