I just wanna become so good at my skill. But everyone just focuses on "grind leetcode 🤡"

From like 4 years ago, I decided ki I want to make most out of my college life by getting SO good at my skills. So I worked hard and stayed consistent ( I still do) and after learning basics / intermediate of full stack dev, I decided ki I will learn the tech that is actually used in practical world and built advanced full stack projects without following YT tutorials ( I did made some projects from YT but I don't really count them as "projects") . For example, unit testing, load testing, hls abs video straming etc is pretty common in developing a practical software. But you can hardly find a proper tutorial / crash course about these in YT. Instead, everyonejusts spams "grind leetcode". Well I know ki it's important for interview but after this ai era, why shouldn't I focus more on how can I build practical production software? Then I will learn / solve 1- 2 leetcode problems for like 3-4 months along side while learning to build practical software.

This is my POV, but I am still a college student, my main question is am I wrong or I am on correct path? If wrong, then why. I will really appreciate you comment.