Do you expect to enter/win the Super Bowl this season?

As I analyze the state of this defense plus the potential step backwards from losing our coordinators my standards have shifted. I’m not saying the offense is gonna go from being able to put up 52 on a bad team to 38 long term but as we all now in these close games an average of 3-4 points is significant. Same on the defense what if on average we give up 3-4 more points than we would with Glenn? Suddenly that’s a whole 6-8 point deficit. But what really worries me is let’s face it we’re not just fighting against other players we’re fighting against a super natural force that won’t let us be too good. We’ll either have a scenario where in a playoff game our front 4 aren’t at full strength+2-3 more injuries throughout the other positions

Or maybe the defense is mostly intact but we take some significant offense injuries. If that Oline ever crumbles we’re screwed because as much as I love Goff and want to win with him specifically we know what he is, a traditional pocket QB. Unless he’s suddenly shifts gears after being in the league for years we have a QB who when pressured usually will not try to or can’t gain any yards from running on his own and can’t extend plays that well. Lucky for us so far we usually have at least 4 out of the 5 but I’d hate to see what happens if we only had 3. If Gibbs gets hurt that’s a pretty big deal at this point, what we’ve seen is that the run game can still function well without Montgomery but without Gibbs it dips from being amazing to great

Yeah other teams aren’t immune to injuries but knowing our luck they’ll be in better shape than us. Do you have high confidence we go against another elite team that’s at 90% while we’re at 80% and we turn the ball over at least 1 more time than they do? Or it’s an equal 50-50 shot, I don’t feel good with those odds

For now I’m shifting my standard for a good season to being just getting wins over other elite teams whether it’s in the regular season or the playoffs (and these teams have to be near full strength or doesn’t mean anything) and to at least get back to the NFC title