how did you detransition / desist?

How long did it take for you to realise that you aren’t transgender? How, or What did you do when you detransitioned/ desisted. Was it quick or was it a long process?

I am curious because I am in a sticky situation (I have posted here before). I do want to desist but I find it so difficult to. I don’t know when or how to “change” back. My name and my gender is both changed to male and my whole family knows and have known since 2020.

I have told few of my siblings and my parents that I am starting to question myself and that transition might not be what I want and need and they are supportive but they can’t help me. Everyone still call me by my male name and call me “he” etc.. But I don’t know when to change name and gender back, and when to tell everyone, because I never feel ready.

So I just want to see what you guys did, when were you comfortable enough to fully go back?

I am secretly buying more feminine stuff/clothes and trying it on secretly. I am very masculine when it comes to clothes but part of me wants to feel comfortable in clothes that don’t hide my entire body. (I wear baggy pyjama pants and oversized hoodies all the time). I just want to be comfortable with it also when I am not alone.

So if you want to share your detrans/desist experience with me , it is highly appreciated. I just feel like I need this since I have nobody to talk to about this and no help.