It’s happening. Thank you.

Awhile ago I got in a very heated discussion on this sub with a lot of you about cheaters. I did a whole exposé style rant about the big sites, how easy it is to cheat, and basically complained about nothing being done.

I was wrong. It finally happened. I’m a member (not user) of three of the big websites, trying to figure out how to convince people that there’s a huge problem in Destiny… I’ve considering making a video, I’ve considered making a YouTube channel exposing them, I was angry and I wanted the cheating to stop.

Then, this season dropped and their world is on FIRE. A ban NUKE went off. Bans left and right, ban waves, manual bans, software detections, bans on multiple accounts on multiple computers, ban hammers, bans bans BANS!!! Hundreds, nah, thousands of angry messages, demands of refunds, pissed off customers, and confused cheaters who now have a PC that will never run Destiny again. Sure, they’re figuring out how to spoof hardware, and sure they’ll get around it somehow, but this hurt them. Badly. People are literally talking about replacing their motherboards to get around the bans. The sites are claiming nothing happened for damage control. Something happened. It’s beautiful. It’s like a storm washed away a beach full of garbage. The discords, telegrams, etc are lighting up like Times Square right now. I’m so happy.

Thank you devs, thank you to whatever team made this happen, and thank you community for reporting even though people like me were convinced that nothing was being done, and thank you to whoever decided enough was enough. I’m sorry for the toxicity from my frustration and impatience, but it’s finally here - the first true detection/ban wave in years, and it’s left them scrambling. Pure panic. Like a hill of ants that just got stepped on… it’s magical.

Rant over, TL;DR - The bad people got Bungo’d.