I am such a loser.
I (17M) suck at everything in life. I just sit around do nothing and complain and complain. Like I have some kind of hard life.
Like i'm so f*cking spoiled and lazy it's unbelievable. Why the hell should I live? No one needs to endure my bullshit. I wish I could die!
I'm a coward walking away from every responsibility in my life.
I think I will start starving myself again even if it makes no sense. It makes me even a worse loser and spoiled useless brat and burden on everyone.
Do I want to get attention by starving myself or something?
Like I should just d*e.
Like I should just stand up and do things and change.
It's my fault I don't change. I'm the useless piece of s*it human being.
I should d*e.
Like why can't I even get myself to shower or brush my teeth. Like I can stand up to go to the toilet and shit, but I can't f*cking pull my lazy spoiled useless evil self up to just shower or brush my teeth.
Like i'm purposefully lazy.
Like I deserve every pain in this world.
Yeah people say I should get therapy but i'm too weak for therapy because for therapy you need to be able to do something and not be me.
Like I try and am in therapy like i'm in a mental hospital right now but I still suck.
Don't even get up and convince myself to take my meds because oh i'm ashamed of people looking at me weird how pathetic.
My life is just a pathetic waste of space.