This isnt really related to my depression, but it makes me feel it BAD.
my older sister just thinks shes hilarious, she likes to do weird shit because its comical. and i will never lie, it IS, but it also fuckin hurts dude.
I just started dating a girl and she (my sister) was playing with me trying to text the girl about a joke i said (which was dark humor) and i know my girlfriend wouldnt exactly care, but i seriously dont wanna lose this girl. I am VERY sensitive and overthink a lot.
I have so much relationship trauma and family trauma it just makes it so hard. my sister and I used to have literal fist fights, blood, hair pulling, etc when we were younger along with some other shit. We have seen so much shit together. I dont know why she still plays with me like this when it clearly bothers me.
I told her to stop trying to text her a million times and she didnt 😭 i understand to outside views, hell even to my own, that this seems petty, but it truly bothers me.
I,myself, wish it didnt. Im sensitive and thats so a big part of my depression. As you can see, small things like that makes me evaluate literally everything because i overthink so much.
Anyways, thank you for reading if you did and thank you for listening to my rant.