what's the difference between romantic attraction and fixation on people?

i've been in a romantic relationship for almost 8 years and have struggled with my place on the aromantic spectrum for about half as long because i was never sure if my past experiences were romantic attraction or not. note that i have cPTSD so all kinds of relationship are already a bit of a mess for me, and i think i tend to latch on to people who are any kind of nice to me and become like fixated on them, wanted their attention, even kinda experienced something like jealousy when they didn't. but until i met my partner, i always pictured myself growing old alone, never fantasised about long-term relationships or even getting married. my partner also started out as someone i fixated on but because we actually mutually bonded, it turned into something more specific and substantial, i knew he was someone i wanted to merge my life with and be physically close to him (which is part of romantic attraction to me). so i guess i'm not sure if those fixations were like initial romantic attraction or not? like no one can define what romantic attraction is, people say it's "when you want to be in a relationship with someone" which is vague af and honestly i didn't with anyone else. then people say "it's when you want to do romantic things with someone" which is a circular definition because they can't define romantic either, it's either the stereotypical stuff most of which i'm not really into anyway or things that are not at all exclusive to romance but also apply to friendships. or they say "its when you want to merge your life with someone else's" which is the best definition i found so far and i have indeed only felt that once, but then i've also seen people define romantic attraction as way less (because like do alloromantic people actually want to merge their lives with a stranger??)

i'm so confused.