Overhead bin space poachers

After reading all the stories about people sitting in seats that are not theirs, I have a story about people using overhead bins that they should not be using. One reason that I book FC is because I like the fact that I am guaranteed overhead space for my bag. With that being said, one day I was late getting onto my flight because my connection was late. When I got to my seat all of the overhead space was taken. There was one spot that looked open, but some guy took the whole space with something fragile and needed extra space. I didn’t know and went to put my bag there. When the FA nastily said that that spot was taken, I said to her that I booked FC so I could have guaranteed space for my stuff. She said that maybe if I wasn’t late I would’ve had space. I quickly snapped back that I was late because HER airline was late in my connection to this flight. I proceeded to pull bag by bag out of the overhead bin. The first one I asked if it belonged to anyone in FC. And it did so I put it back. I continued doing this until about the 4th bag when no one claimed it. Clearly someone from the back of the plane thought that they had the right to use FC space. I just rolled that bag down the aisle towards the back of the plane and put my bag in MY overhead space and sat down. The FA was shocked, but did nothing about it. At that point someone came along, got the bag and found space farther back on the plane where the FA told me to put my bag.

Edit… I tried to give the bag to the FA, but in her nastiness she told me to put the bag away, that it was not her job. It’s not my job either so that is when I wheeled it away.