20 (f) about to be homeless

im gonna cut to the chase

me and my mum we live tgt rn after my dad passed away. i used to be a student but had to stop cus my life did a full 180 after my dad’s demise. rn i have the entire responsibility of my mom and we have to move out soon from our current place (we dont have to pay rent rn..its a weird situation i cant explain).

currently i work full time and have a decent salary (23-26k) but i know its no where near enough to afford rent and other bills. i used to be a tru spoiled daddy’s little daughter :( but ever since he passed away i have to take care of everything but being 20 and this clueless doesnt help either. also i have zero expectations from my relatives since they all play a big part of being one of the reasons why am i here today.

can all yal please tell me ways to make a little extra cash (around 10-15k) on side while working full time so me and my mum can get by.

also since we need to move, suggestions for affordable and livable apartments are also appreciated. 🎀

this is my first reddit post so im sorry in advance if i worded anything wrong. 😭

EDIT : woa this got way too much attention but truly thanks to each one of u who interacted and tried to help me out…truly it means a lot…also safe to say we’re safe and secured now. im sorry if i didnt reply to ur messages cus i recieved too many…i swear i wasnt being ungrateful but yall r so sweet… 😭 thanks alot again !!!!