high-school graduate wants to help family

Hello r/delhi , I am a resident of delhi who just finished class 12th. I have a deep interest in programming since class 9th and have been self learning whenever i get free time. However, due to my family’s financial condition, we are really struggling to meet our ends. My father is a civil engineer and I am sure you all are aware of the situation of civil engineers. We have rent due of over 10 months (luckily our landlord is very a kind man who understands our situation). I want to be of some help to my family, so i come to you people to ask for help. I am able to learn new frameworks and libraries within a few weeks and know to program in Python and C++. Currently, I am solving TUF’s Sheet but I also want to do some real development. If anyone has any niche work for me related to development then please suggest. I can also learn some new technology if given some time (approx 2 weeks to a month).