Next licensed character
I know many people have asked similar questions before, but what character would you like to see as DbD's next license (from the list below or any other horror villain that you have a particular liking for) and what are your arguments? I'd like to know what you think. I mean we already have Ghostface, Leatherface, Pig, Myers, Freddy, Demogorgon, Pinhead, Nemesis and Pyramid Head. Who should be next?
- Chucky (Child's Play)
- Jason (Friday The 13th)
- Candyman (Candyman)
- Samara (The Ring)
- Xenomorph (Alien)
- Valak (The Conjuring)
- Annabelle (The Conjuring)
- Pennywise (IT).
Personally, I'm dying for Pennywise (though lorewise it wouldn't make any sense), but the Xenomorph would also be nice.